The Kutimangoes乐队阵容更改通知

阵容更改通知:非常抱歉,我们很遗憾地得知明日演出的丹麦The Kutimangoes乐队的特邀嘉宾,主唱和打击乐手Patrick Kabré由于签证问题无法献演本次音乐节,特此通知。The Kutimangoes的原班成员将为大家带来精彩演出,敬请期待!

Announcement of Line-up Change: We’re very sorry to inform that Patrick Kabré, special guest, vocalist and percussionist of The KutiMangoes (Denmark) will not perform for us on the concert tomorrow (Oct. 14th), due to visa issue. However, all members of The KutiMangoes will still bring us their performance as expected. Thank you for your understanding.