Aupa Quartet
西班牙 Spain
时间 Time
2015.10.22 21:20 – 22:20
场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT
演出者 Artists
Asier Suberbiola – 小提琴 Violin
Pere Nolasc Turu – 小提琴 Violin
Felipe Escalada – 中提琴 Viola
Martín Meléndez – 大提琴 Cello
他们虽然年轻,却已在包括西班牙、意大利和法国在内的欧洲多个国家进行巡演,也曾在上海大剧院演出,并参加了许多知名的音乐节。他们是2014年第一届Made in Shasta音乐大赛的获奖者,也是这次经历为他们赢得了发行第一张专辑《Up》的机会。
Aupa四重奏曾和许多久负盛名的音乐家进行现场合作,包括西班牙弗拉明戈吉他演奏家Antonio Rey,获2009及2013格莱美拉美音乐提名的西班牙歌手India Martínez,加拿大吉他手Cece Giannotti,法国小号手和作曲家Raynald Colom等。他们同时也在录音室和西班牙国宝级弗拉明戈舞蹈家Sara Baras,西班牙弗拉明戈、爵士女歌手Sandra Carrasco,来自美国的拉丁爵士小号手,以及打击乐手Jerry González等知名音乐人合作,在EMI厂牌旗下录制唱片。
[1] 古巴颂乐(Cuban Son):一种源于古巴的音乐和舞蹈风格,并在30年代风靡世界。它是最广为传播也最具影响力的拉美音乐风格之一,由它衍生或与之融合的许多乐系风格都已遍布全球,其中,最为知名的便是Salsa。
Aupa Quartet is a string quartet, all 4 members of the quartet were well trained under classical music system, with different origins, cultures and musical tastes, inspired by Jazz, Funk, Cuban Son[1] and Flamenco, to develop their own, increasingly recognizable style. The name of the quartet “Aupa” is an interjection used to encourage someone to rise up or lift something up. Their music aims to be this interjection, raising the audience’s energy levels and encouraging them to join them in having fun.
From their very first gig to the present day, Aupa Quartet has played at the most important venues in Barcelona. They have toured in Spain, Italy, France and China, where they played at the Shanghai Grand Theatre. In January 2014, Aupa Quartet won the first Made in Shasta competition. Thanks to this award they released first album “UP”.
The quartet has played live with artists including Antonio Rey, India Martínez, Cece Giannotti and Raynald Colom, they have also collaborated in the studio with Sara Baras, Sandra Carrasco, Jerry González and so forth, recording for EMI Music.
[1] Cuban Son: A style of music and dance originated in Cuba and gained worldwide popularity during the 1930s. It is one of the most influential and widespread forms of Latin American music: its derivatives and fusions, especially Salsa, have spread across the world.
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