
策划人的话 Curators’ Words



爵士演奏家Eric Dolphy曾经说过音乐从他的气息里吹出来经过他的萨克斯传递出去然后就消失了。







策划人  /  滕斐 涂飞


Hear the Time

Jazz musician Eric Dolphy once said, “When you hear music, after it’s over, it’s gone in the air. You can never capture it again.”

And over the past 50 years, some musicians just testified that their “Music” died away far before they were heard.

Jazz, which is far beyond its original root, has now become a musical genre, a subject, a job, an emotional appeal, and even an entertainment option that is universally acceptable. It seems that Jazz has already turned out to be something different all of a sudden once it has the chance to encounter the new generation and opportunity.

Nevertheless, what we favored all the time is the other side of Jazz: to achieve one’s personal artistic ideality by self-expression, which is intense.

Music flows through your ears and you feel that your time is stolen after a really exquisite concert is over. You wish that you could just stop time from slipping away with the music, yet finally you feel some kind of complicated loss when you realize that you can do nothing. 

This is just the kind of loss we would love to share.

Isn’t it cool to make Music a foregone moment of your LIFE?

Curators  /  Teng Fei  Tu Fei



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2015 OCT-LOFT Jazz Festival Website
