瑞士 Switzerland / 南非 South Africa
场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT
演出者 Artists
Ganesh Geymeier – 次中音萨克斯风 Tenor Saxophone
Afrika Mkhize – 钢琴 Piano
Ayanda Sikade – 鼓 Drums
Bänz Oester – 低音提琴 Double Bass
要将一段耳熟能详的经典旋律转化为爵士杰作,这绝非易事,而John Coltrane用他对《My Favourite Things》魔法般的重新演绎证明了这种冒险是可以成功的。他让这首风靡一时的音乐剧歌曲脱胎换骨,在1960年完成录制之后,他一直未将其公诸于世,直到他辞世七年之后,人们才得以欣赏这首非凡的作品。
The Rainmakers的核心人物是蜚声国际的低音提琴演奏家Bänz Oester。这支来自瑞士及南非的乐队,在2012年于巴塞尔的Bird’s Eye爵士俱乐部录制了第一张现场专辑;在最新推出的第二张现场专辑《Ukuzinikela Live in Willisau》里,他们沿循着Coltrane的足迹,对Jacques Brel的传奇香颂《Amsterdam》,以及经Ruedi Rymann演绎后成为不朽经典的瑞士民歌《Dr Schacher Seppli》进行了令人惊艳的再创作,而专辑中的另外五首曲子也同样引人入胜。他们不愿把自己关在录音棚里,仅有的两张专辑皆出自现场——The Rainmakers无疑是一支“活在现场”的乐队。
乐队核心及低音提琴手Bänz Oester和演奏次中音萨克斯风的Ganesh Geymeier都来自瑞士;钢琴手Afrika Mkhize和鼓手Ayanda Sikade则是南非万众瞩目的冉冉新星。南北文化碰撞交融,给乐队带来了无限的可能性,也产出了丰硕的成果。四人的结合亲密无间,在他们之间没有凸显自我的虚华展示,只有将每个人的优势聚合为更强大的力量。
* 本节目由瑞士文化基金会上海办公室支持
That one can successfully venture into jazz nirvana on the basis of a catchy melody, was proven by John Coltrane’s magical metamorphoses of the musical hit “My Favourite Things”, in a particularly remarkable way — Coltrane recorded the piece for the first time in 1960 and kept it in his repertoire nearly up to his death seven years later.
The Swiss-South African band The Rainmakers, formed around the internationally acclaimed bassist Bänz Oester, recorded their debut album at Bird’s Eye Jazz Club in Basel in 2012. On their latest, and second live album, “Ukuzinikela Live in Willisau”, they follow in the footsteps of Coltrane. Their use of the legendary Jacques Brel chanson “Amsterdam”, and the evergreen Swiss hit “Dr Schacher Seppli”, is breathtaking. The five remaining numbers are only slightly less spectacular. The Rainmakers are therefore undoubtedly a typical live band, and that is why it makes sense that they did not lock themselves up in a studio to record their second CD – a lion in the wild is much more majestic than one in the zoo.
The Rainmakers are a prime example of this fruitful exchange between north and south: the bandleader and bassist, Bänz Oester, and Ganesh Geymeier on tenor sax, come from Switzerland; the pianist Afrika Mkhize and drummer Ayanda Sikade count among the new continent-hopping talents from South Africa. The four of them form a close-knit, inseparable unit. In other words, we are dealing with a formation in which individual strengths are not showcased in egocentric fashion, but are transformed into a collective energy.
* Supported by Pro Helvetia Shanghai
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视频 Videos
THE RAINMAKERS by Bänz Oester & The Rainmakers
“Der Regen, der auf das Vordach tropft” by Bänz Oester & The Rainmakers
“AMSTERDAM” by Bänz Oester & The Rainmakers
“My Love For You” by Bänz Oester & The Rainmakers