日本 Japan
场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT
演出者 Artists
山下洋辅 Yosuke Yamashita – 钢琴 Piano
高桥信之介 Shinnosuke Takahashi – 鼓 Drums
类家心平 Shinpei Ruike – 小号 Trumpet
水谷浩章 Hiroaki Mizutani – 贝斯 Bass
山下洋辅,1942年出生于东京。作为日本70年代自由爵士运动的领军人物,他的名字在日本可谓家喻户晓,放诸欧美爵士乐坛也同样响亮。他一直活跃于国际舞台,受邀参演过众多著名的爵士音乐节。迄今为止,他已发行了超过40张以其为核心唱片,参与录制的唱片更是不胜枚举。音乐评论界十分推崇他极具震撼力的演奏风格,并常将他与美国前卫爵士巨擘Cecil Taylor作比较,这本身已是非常难得的成就。
这位年逾70的音乐大师有着辉煌的履历:1969年,山下洋辅三重奏成立,他们以生猛而不拘一格的表演给爵士乐坛带来了巨大的冲击;1988年,他与美国贝斯大师Cecil McBee和鼓手Pheeroan akLaff组成了纽约三重奏;1994年,他受邀参加传奇爵士厂牌Verve Records的50周年纪念演出,是唯一一个来自亚洲的音乐家;1998年,他为今村昌平的《肝脏大夫》制作电影配乐,并凭借此作品获得日本文化厅颁发的艺术选奖文部大臣奖,及其它数个电影奖项;2003年,他因在艺术和学术方面作出的杰出贡献,被日本政府授予紫绶褒章;2004年,作为美日建交150周年纪念活动之一,他进行了美国6城巡演;同年,他在意大利都灵与RAI国家交响乐团再度演出了他2000年首发的原创协奏曲《Piano Concerto No.1 “ENCOUNTER” for Improviser》,由佐渡裕指挥;2006年3月,他作为嘉宾参与了自由爵士巨匠Ornette Coleman的四重奏日本巡演;2007年2月,他与Cecil Taylor举办了一场二重奏演出;2008年1月,由左渡裕指挥,他与东京爱乐乐团为其第三部原创协奏曲《Explorer》进行了世界首演;2009年5月,他参演一柳慧的第四钢琴协奏曲《Jazz》世界首演;同年,山下洋辅三重奏四十周年重聚演出举办,参演阵容包含了三重奏各个时期的成员;2013年9月,纽约三重奏的25周年纪念专辑《Grandioso》在环球音乐旗下的Verve厂牌发行;2016年2月,由佐渡裕指挥,他与下奥地利州声音艺术家乐团(Tonkünstler Orchestra)音乐会于维也纳金色大厅举办,大获成功。
高桥信之介1978年出生于神奈川县。他的演出生涯早在洗足学园短期大学念爵士乐课程时便已展开。1999年毕业后,他成为山下洋辅、辛岛文雄、宫之上贵昭和伊藤君子等音乐家的鼓手,开启了职业鼓手的生涯。2002年,他在发行了第一张专辑《Rumination》后移居纽约。他是Don Friedman、Grady Tate、Eric Person、Eric Lewis、Jon Davis、John Di Martino和Marcus Printup经常合作的鼓手,也曾与包括秋吉敏子、Lew Tabackin、Freddy Cole、Paquito D’Rivera、David Kikoski、Ron Affif、Eddie Henderson、Houston Person、Gene Bertoncini和Warren Vache等在内的大量音乐家同台演出。2011年,他与山下洋辅、池田笃、中村建吾发行了专辑《Blues 4 Us》。 2016年,他的活动重心回到日本。
类家心平1976出生于青森县八户市。他最初在学校的铜管乐队里演奏小号,后来在Miles Davis的影响下喜欢上爵士乐。2004年,他作为即兴乐队urb的成员正式出道,后来组建了自己的“类家心平 4 Piece Band”,并发布了他们的第一张专辑《Distorted Grace》。2011年,他发行了第二张专辑《Sector b》 ,日本著名萨克斯手/歌手菊地成孔为其制作人。他也是“菊地成孔Dub-Sextet”、DCPRG,以及由前Beat Crusaders成员Keitaimo主导的WUJA BIN BIN等乐队的成员,以及著名摇滚乐队Luna Sea吉他手Sugizo的合作乐手。他一直尝试涉猎不同的领域,包括为动画电影《坂道上的阿波罗》演奏小号。
水谷浩章1963年出生于埼玉县。他20岁左右开始玩音乐,跟随吉野弘志学习原声贝斯。迄今为止,他已发行了6张以其为核心的专辑,并参与了许多乐队,包括大友良英和山下洋辅的多个乐队、松枫纮一四重奏、今堀恒雄的Tipographica、南博的Go There、坂田明三重奏、 芳垣安洋的Vincent Atmicus、EMERGENCY!和津上研太的BOZO等。 他目前拥有自己的乐队phonolite,并常常与柳原幼一郎、浜田真理子、原田郁子(clammbon)、青叶市子、柴草玲和高濑麻里子(DiVa)等音乐人进行各种活动。
Yosuke Yamashita
Born in 1942, Tokyo, Yosuke Yamashita is one of the rare Japanese jazz musicians whose name is a household word in his native land. He is also one of the few to establish himself as a well-respected jazz pianist in Europe and the United States. This popularity is more remarkable given the uncompromisingly avant-garde style he adhered to. After riding the crest of 1970s free jazz movement, he has released over forty recordings, and played on countless others. Critics admire Yamashita’s explosive playing style, often compared with that of Cecil Taylor, as his own unique achievement.
The 1969 formation of the Yosuke Yamashita Trio made a huge impact on the jazz world with its energetic, free form performances. In 1988 Yamashita formed his own New York Trio with bass player Cecil McBee and drummer Pheeroan akLaff. In 1994 he was invited to the 50th anniversary concert of Verve Records, a prestigious jazz label, as a sole musician participated from Asian countries. In 1998 Yamashita made the film score for Shohei Imamura’s “Kanzo Sensei (Dr. Akagi)”, and by the achievement of this work, he received the “Education Minister’s Encouragement Award”, and other film awards. In 2003 he was conferred the “Medal with Purple Ribbon” from Japanese Government for his contributions to the arts and academics. In 2004, a revival performance of his 2000 self-composed Piano Concerto No.1 “ENCOUNTER” for Improviser took place in Turin, Italy, conducted by Yutaka Sado. March 2006, he played with a free jazz giant, Ornette Coleman when his group toured Japan. In February 2007, he has presented a duo concert with a master pianist in free jazz, Cecil Taylor. In January 2008, he did the world premiere of his third concerto “Explorer” with the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Yutaka Sado. In May 2009, he did the world premiere of the piano concerto No. 4 “Jazz” composed by Toshi Ichiyanagi. The same year, the Yosuke Yamashita Trio 40th Anniversary Reunion Live was held with an all-star cast including members from every generation of the group. In September 2013, he released his New York trio’s 25th anniversary album “Grandioso” from Verve, Universal Music. In February 2015, he made concert tour to Slovakia and Czech Republic. His February 2016 performance with the Tonkünstler Orchestra, held at Wiener Musikverein and conducted by Yutaka Sado, was a huge success.
Shinnosuke Takahashi
Born in Kanagawa-pref. in 1978. Takahashi started his career when he was a student at the jazz course, Senzoku Gakuen Junior College. After graduating from the college in 1999, he started professional drummer’s career for Yosuke Yamashita, Fumio Karashima, Takaaki Miyanoue, Kimiko Ito. In 2002, after releasing his first album “Rumination”, he moved to New York. He played regularly for Makoto Ozone’s “No Name Horses”, Don Friedman, Grady Tate, Eric Person, Eric Lewis, Jon Davis, John Di Martino, Marcus Printup, and also worked with many musicians like Toshiko Akiyoshi, Lew Tabackin, Freddy Cole, Paquito D’Rivera, David Kikoski, Ron Affif, Eddie Henderson, Houston Person, Gene Bertoncini and Warren Vache. In 2011, he released the album “Blues 4 Us” with Yosuke Yamashita, Atsuhi Ikeda and Kengo Nakamura. In 2016, he moved back his base to Japan.
Shinpei Ruike
Born in Hachinohe, Aomori-pref. in 1976. Ruike started to play the trumpet through a school brass band, then came to interested in jazz by the influence of Miles Davis. He debuted as a member of the jam-band group “urb” in 2004. Then, he has been maintaining his own unit Shinpei Ruike 4 Piece Band, and released the first album “Distorted Grace”. In 2011, he released the second album “Sector b” produced by Naruyoshi Kikuchi. He also participates in Naruyoshi Kikuchi Dub-Sextet, DCPRG, WUJA BIN BIN led by ex-Beat Crusaders KEITAIMO, LUNA SEA’s guitarist Sugizo’s unit, etc. He has been widening his activities, for example playing the trumpet for the animation movie “Sakamichi no Apollon”.
Hiroaki Mizutani
Born in Saitama-pref. in 1963. Mizutani started to play the music around 20 years old. He studied the acoustic bass under Hiroshi Yoshino. He has released 6 leader albums and participated in groups such as Yoshihide Otomo groups, Yosuke Yamashita groups, Koichi Matsukaze Quartet, Tsuneo Imahori’s Tipographica, Hiroshi Minami’s Go There, Akira Sakata Trio, Yasuhiro Yoshigaki’s Vincent Atmicus, EMERGENCY!, Kenta Tsugami’s BOZO.
He currently owns his group “phonolite”, and does various activities with Yoichiro Yanagihara, Mariko Hamada, Ikuko Harada (clammbon), Ichiko Aoba, Rei Shibakusa, Mariko “makoring” Takase (DiVa), etc.
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视频 Video
山下洋輔トリオ「寿限無」 Live at Club Quattro
山下洋輔 坂田明 森山 音楽産業