Acid live(化现场)
中国/ 英国/ 马来西亚 China / UK/ Malaysia
9:30 pm-10:30 pm,26,Sep 2011
演出者 Artists
主音 Vocal: Gao Hong Zhang
键盘 Keyboards: Zhang Zhang
贝斯 Bass: Liu Yang
吉他 Guitar: Wen Xiang
鼓 Drums: Da Wei
DJ: Christopher Cool
VJ: Chew Weng Yeow
他们的音乐很丰富,他们的现场很带劲! 2009年4月,当Acid live (化现场) 首次在北京“两个好朋友”酒吧登台时,所有的观众都玩疯了。这支以“化”为主题 的现场乐队,诞生之初就给充斥着各类演出的京城带来不一样的声音——独立、前卫、时髦、自由、迷幻。
事实上,在这些全新的演出背后, 是一次次关于音乐的大胆尝试与探索。来自中外的优秀音乐人,将Funk、电子、酸爵士、IndieRock等音乐风格进行融合并演绎。各种音乐碰撞融合带来的化学反应,就是“化”的含义。独特的定位使他们迅速走红,十多场演出后,通过在MAO、愚公移山、两个好朋友等重要 live house亮相,Acid live(化现场)创造出火爆的演出佳绩, 开始引领一种崭新的音乐潮流。
如此迷人的乐队现场, 你又怎能拒绝?
More a collective than traditional band, the group’s five official members: Zhang Zhang on keys, DJ Shiva on the decks, Liu Yang on bass, Wen Xiang on guitar and Da Wei on drums change and create unpredictable fusion jamming that reflects the range of cultural flavors in Beijing’s arts and music scene. You might hear a twisted wa-wa version of the Mission Im- possible theme morph into blues before dissolving into an ocean of ambient electronic crackles. While many are drawn to this intensely psychedelic sonic experience, others are drawn to Hua’s philosophy towards free-form music and collaboration, as much as to its consummate musicianship. If a 60s style counterculture ever takes off in China, this fusion of Beijing’s musical voices will provide the soundtrack. Hua represents a new era of inspirational, multicultural art through the international medium of sound and color to leave every participant with a deeper impression of culture, art and music.