Trio d’en bas
法国 France
8:00 pm-9:00 pm,27,Sep 2011
演出者 Artists
Arnaud Rouanet| Tenor Saxophone, Clarinet, Sampler, Voice 高音萨克斯,单簧管,混音,声乐
Samuel Bourille| Piano, Keyboards, FX, Voice 钢琴,键盘,音效,声乐
Yoann Scheidt | Drums, Percussions, Trombone, Voice 鼓,敲击,长号,声乐
Arnaud Rouanet, Samuel Bourille和Yoann Scheidt走在一起,只有一个目的:探索”由下层社会而来”的艺术.当你不自觉的全神贯注于随和而不单调,层层紧扣的乐章时,你会发现这是”为通俗品味而设的上层优雅音乐”.传媒的尖锐评论不算什么,与社会现实共存才是上策,他们选择了从流行音乐中取材,创作出带有爵士影子的音乐.或许把原创,即兴演奏,突如其来的幽默,偶尔为政治议题发出怒哮等元素共治一炉,无以名之,干脆称之为艺术的乌托邦会更为传神.
A culmination of this trio’s artistic projects, Trio d’en Bas was formed in 2003 to play “high-brow music for low-brow France” or simple, music that has been labeled yet is heard to describe.
Over the pass five years, they have done concerts in their original trio from and hybrid forms born out of collaboration with other artists such as music and circus, music and theater, music and painting, music and dance, music and video….
Their music ID definitely jazz influenced yet unclassifiable; a joyful mix of original compositions with sudden improvisations, angry political outbursts and unexpected humor, not to mention, the “revisitations” of borrowed themes from the annals of jazz, French pop and sometimes even international pop music.
Trio D’en Bas is the winner of Jazz Migration Contest,2010 Conferred by AFIJMA(the Association of Innovative Jazz and Contemporary Music Festivals) and the FSJ(Federation of Jazz Venues).