Mark Alban Lotz笛子独奏
Mark Alban Lotz Flute Solo
德国 Germany
时间 Time
2015.10.20 22:40-23:10
场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区旧天堂书店 Old Heaven Books, North District of OCT-LOFT
演出者 Artists
Mark Alban Lotz – 笛子 Flutes
“Mark Alban Lotz是世界上少数几个能够单枪匹马让一场独奏鲜活起来的笛子演奏大师之一。他呈现的或许不是纯粹的爵士,或者说任何单一的东西,但他的演奏技巧和多才多艺吸引了大量的关注。”
—— 《纽约爵士唱片》杂志(美国)
“作为一名管乐手,你想要做出一张成功的独奏专辑,要么是有两把斧子,要么是足够胆大无畏,要么是恰逢其时。笛手Mark Alban Lotz通过了这些严酷考验,并且博得了满堂喝彩。”
Mark Alban Lotz以他不拘于传统的表演风格、令人惊喜的音乐和精湛的即兴造就了震撼人心的笛子独奏现场——一次通往内心音乐宇宙的幻想般的旅程,一场结合了作曲和即兴的、不断突破边界的当代音乐独奏会。他的演出是纯粹的——没有使用电脑或者loop,只有大量超凡的技巧和想象,并加入了恰如其分的幽默。
Mark Alban Lotz活跃于欧洲音乐圈,对新音乐、爵士乐和世界音乐均有涉猎。他与以下音乐家有过合作:美国萨克斯风手Chris Potter、美国吉他手David Tronzo、美国管乐手Don Byron、古巴打击乐手Miguel Anga Diaz、荷兰乐队Zuco 103以及荷兰打击乐手Han Bennink;他的最新专辑《Solo Flutes》在全球各大电台热播;从阿姆斯特丹到柏林,从纽约到伊斯坦布尔,他在许多地方举办过音乐会。
演出由Performing Arts Fund NL赞助。
“Add the name of Mark Alban Lotz to the very short list of flute virtuosi who can single-handedly animate a recital. What Lotz plays may not be pure jazz or pure anything but his skill and versatility attract lots of attention.”
— “New York Jazz City Record” Magazine (US)
“You gotta have either a) chops, b) chutzpah or c) perfect timing for a horn player to successfully do a solo album. Mark Alban Lotz Flautist throws down the gauntlet, and pulls off an impressive salvo.”
— “Jazz Weekly” Magazine (US)
A performance of solo flutes by Mark Alban Lotz electrifies with an unconventional style of performance and virtuosity in surprising music and improvisations. A trip to the very own universe of music of a visionary. A recital in contemporary music in composition and improvisation which often crossing borders. The performance is pure: without a laptop or loops but with a lot of advanced techniques and imagination. This spiced with a healthy dose of humor.
Mark Alban Lotz is a very active personality in the European music scene, involved in new music, jazz, and many kinds of world music. He worked with Chris Potter, David Tronzo, Don Byron, Miguel Anga Diaz, Zuco 103 and Han Bennink. His latest CD release, “Solo Flutes” is broadcast all over the world. Concert performances are from Amsterdam to Berlin, NYC to Istanbul.
This program is supported by the Performing Arts Fund NL.
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