WorldService Project
英国 Britain
时间 Time
2015.10.25 21:20 – 22:20
场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT
演出者 Artists
Dave Morecroft – 键盘 Keyboard /人声 Vocals / 作曲 Compositions
Tim Ower – 萨克斯 Saxophones
Raphael Clarkson – 长号 Trombone
Arthur O’Hara – 贝斯 Bass
Harry Pope – 鼓 Drums
——John Fordham,《卫报》(英国)
——Cormac Larkin, 《爱尔兰时报》(爱尔兰)
“……一个野蛮粗暴与黑色幽默的迷人结合。铜管乐器制造出大块溢出的自由噪音,还带着一丝具有讽刺意味的多愁善感,在诸如《Requiem for a Worm》的曲目中展现得淋漓尽致,而现场听他们演奏只会更加震撼!剃刀般锐利的节奏锋芒已被打磨抛光,这支乐队的演奏手法极为高超娴熟。行乐风格的起承转合,仿佛漂移过弯一般,你能闻到拉紧手刹时橡胶过热燃烧的味道。”
——Matthew Wright, 《Jazzwise》(英国)
WorldService Project是英国朋克圈和爵士圈的典型代表之一,他们已经在15个国家演出过,包括一些重要的音乐节,如伦敦爵士音乐节(London Jazz)、斯洛文尼亚的卢布尔雅那爵士节(Ljubljana Jazz Festival)、瑞典的于默奥爵士音乐节(Umeå Jazz Festival)、芬兰的坦佩雷爵士音乐节(Tampere Jazz Happening)、法国的Jazz sur son音乐节、英国的布雷肯爵士音乐节(Brecon Jazz Festival)等,并在美国的17个州里进行了为期35天的巡回演出,还在德国布尔格豪森举办的2014年新晋欧洲爵士大奖(Young European Jazz Award)中获得提名。
由键盘手/作曲家Dave Morecroft领衔,WorldService Project通过黑暗而戏谑的方式构筑乐章——他们操纵着复杂的节奏和韵律,音乐中充满了直截了当的莽撞,又有一丝诡异的不和谐贯穿其中。而有时,他们又会在常见于重型摇滚音乐中的狂暴节奏之上,叠加20世纪古典曲中的乐句,使其音乐拥有了更为丰富的层次。
“…stompingly raw and punky…a riotously entertaining live-band…highly creative…”
— John Fordham, “The Guardian” Newspaper (UK)
“…aren’t simply challenging the definition of jazz — they’re chasing it down a side street, wrestling it to the ground and calling for back-up.”
— Cormac Larkin, “The Irish Times” Newspaper (IE)
“…a mesmerising combination of brutality and dark humour. Their live sound, blending bleeding chunks of free brass noise with the ironic sentimentality of tracks like ‘Requiem for a Worm’, has only got better. The razor-sharp rhythmic edges are polished, the ensemble is painfully slick, and you can smell the rubber burning from their stylistic handbrake turns.”
— Matthew Wright, “Jazzwise” Magazine (UK)
WorldService Project is one of the leading exponents of the British punk/jazz scene, having played in 15 countries around the world, including major festivals (London Jazz, Ljubljana, Umea, Tampere, Jazz sur son, Brecon Jazz), a 35 days tour of America taking in 17 states and being nominated for the Young European Jazz Award 2014 (Burghausen).
Led by pianist/composer Dave Morecroft, WorldService Project’s music speaks through dark, playful building passages, winding through dissonance, complex rhythmic manipulation and downright silliness. Other times it draws on the language of 20th Century Classical composers layered over boisterous grooves more commonly found in albums by heavy rock artists.
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