Emil Viklický Trio
Emil Viklický三重奏
Czech 捷克
2013.9.22 8:00 – 9:30 pm
场地 Venue: 华侨城创意园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District, OCT-LOFT
演出者 Artists:
Emil Viklický -Piano 键盘
Petr Dvorsky – Double bass低音提琴
Cyril Zelenak – Drums 鼓
Emil Viklický
Emil Viklický,捷克爵士乐的活化石,成功地将本土民族的摩拉维亚元素融入爵士乐中。他的内省沉思可能会让你想起Keith Jarrett 或Brad Mehldau。毕业于Berklee音乐学院的他自70年代以来已得到很多著名爵士乐奖项,并曾到欧洲各地、美国和日本巡回演出。他已跻身捷克爵士乐坛殿堂等级。作为一个的开放钢琴家,他虽然受Bill Evans 启发,擅长演奏抒情的曲调,但也可以强烈地摇摆,自创一格。作为一个作曲家,他还为电影,电视剧和戏剧撰写现代爵士乐,室内乐和管弦乐作品。90年代以来,他一直致力为小型室内乐团、电子交响乐团和合唱团撰写当代古典音乐的作品。
1948年 11月23日出生于捷克共和国奥洛穆克州。
1971年 毕业于捷克奥洛穆克市帕拉茨基数学专业。
1976年 在法国里昂的爵士即兴竞赛中获奖。
1976年 在摩纳哥的爵士作曲竞赛中凭借Green Satin获得一等奖。
1996年 在捷克布拉格凭借Paradise Park获得电声原声音乐特别奖。
2000年 在“2000年布拉格新歌剧”国际竞赛中获得一等奖,歌剧“Faidra – Phaedra”于2000年9月20日首演。
2002年 歌剧Der Ackermann und der Tod和音乐会于在德国柏林首演。舞台版于2003年在布拉格的国家歌剧院首演。
2003年 小型歌剧Macha′s Diary在布拉格的国家剧场首演。
2004年 同美国爵士乐手Wynton Marsalis的大乐队合作,并由两位旁白讲述哈维尔作品的情景剧The Mystery of Man于2004年10月28日在美国纽约的林肯中心首演。
2007年 为唱片《莫拉维亚的珍宝》中的所有莫拉维亚民谣编曲。
2008年 Double Concerto for Harp and Oboe首演,竖琴:Jana Bou?kova,布拉格爱乐乐团。
2009年 发行《Sinfonietta –Janáček of Jazz》专辑,贝斯:George Mraz,鼓:Lewis Nash。
2011年 因其终身音乐成就被捷克总统克劳斯授予勋章。
Petr Dvorsky
毕业于捷克布拉格的Jaroslav Jezek爵士音乐学院,师从Jan Kment教授、Vaclav Fuka教授及Jiri Valenta教授学习古典音乐。自1990年起,Petr Dvorsky便成为捷克爵士乐坛十分活跃的一员,并与众多出众的捷克及国外的爵士音乐家合作演奏,比如Emil Viklický, Mark Vinci, Steve Lacy, Ingrid Jensen, Markus Printup, Randy Brecker, Julian Nicholas等等。1994年,他在波兰Krokow的国际青年爵士乐手竞赛中获得优胜。他也多次获得捷克爵士乐学会的年度才华音乐家的提名。
如今,除了与Emil Viklický Trio, Infinite Q and Points等乐队的合作,Petr Dvorsky同时也是捷克广播大乐队的成员,并且活跃在爵士乐教育领域——他已经连续两年担任由捷克爵士乐学会组织的布拉格夏季爵士研习会主任一职。
Cyril Zelenak
1951年出生于斯洛伐克,师从于斯洛伐克传奇鼓手Laco Tropp。曾在多个爵士和摇滚乐队中演奏,如Collegium Musicum、Prudy、以Emil Viklický为核心的Czecho-Slovak Quartet(CSQ,1980-86)、Peter Lipa Quintet、Emil Viklický trio(1987-1991以及2010-12)。Cyril也曾在欧洲知名的Gustav Brom大乐队中任鼓手,这支大乐队由各式的独奏音乐家组成,在欧洲巡回演出。2011年,Cyril在2011香港爵士音乐节上被评为最佳独奏者。
Emil Viklický
Emil started to play piano in quite early age. His grandfather Victor Wiklitzky had brought from Vienna concert grand piano “Hoffbauer” as a wedding gift for his musically gifted bride. Emil was born in Olomouc, Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic), where in 1971 he graduated from Palacky University with a degree in mathematics. As a student he devoted much time to playing jazz piano. In 1974, he was awarded the prize for best soloist at the Czechoslovak Amateur Jazz Festival, and he joined Karel Velebny’s SHQ ensemble at the same year.
In 1977 Emil was awarded a 4 year’s scholarship to study composition and arrangement with Herb Pomeroy at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. Since 1994 he has worked with the Ad lib Moravia ensemble, whose performances combine elements of Moravian folk music, modern jazz and contemporary serious music. In 1996 the ALM ensemble undertook a highly successful concert tour around Mexico and the United States.
As a pianist, Emil often performs in international ensembles alongside musicians from the U.S. and other European countries. Back in 1983-89 Emil worked with the Lou Blackburn International Quartet, the Benny Bailey Quintet, and American multi-instrumentalist Scott Robinson. He has made frequent appearances in Finland (with the Finnczech Quartet and in particular with Jarmo Sermila) and Norway (with the Czech-Norwegian Big Band and Harald Gundhus) and has performed in the USA, Japan, Mexico, Israel, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands (at the North Sea Festival) and elsewhere. The editor of Rolling Stone Jan Wenner wrote of Emil that “It was a delightful surprise to see such first-class, top-of-the-line jazz in Prague.”
Emil has become noted for his unique synthesis of the melodicism and tonalities of Moravian folk song with modern jazz. As English critic Euan Dixon wrote in 2005 “Emil Viklický is one of those European jazz pianists who successfully incorporated elements of his indigenous folk culture into jazz”.
As a composer Viklický has attracted attentions abroad primarily for having created a synthesis of the expressive elements of modern jazz with the melodicism and tonalities of Moravian folk song that is distinctly individual in contemporary jazz. Besides this, however, he also composes ‘straight-ahead’ modern jazz as well as chamber and orchestral works that utilize certain elements of the New Music, and at times his music requires a combination of classical and jazz performers.
Petr Dvorsky
Petr Dvorsky graduated from the Prague Conservatory of Jaroslav Jezek jazz under the instruction of Professor Jan Kment, Professor Vaclav Fuka and Professor Jiri Valenta studying classical music. Since 1990, Petr Dvorsky has become a very active one in the Czech jazz circles, and played with many outstanding Czech and foreign jazz musicians, such as Emil Viklický, Mark Vinci, Steve Lacy, Ingrid Jensen, Markus Printup, Randy Brecker, and Julian Nicholas and so on. In 1994, he was awarded in Poland Krokow young jazz musicians of international competition. He also won the nomination of Czech Jazz Society’s annual talented musicians.
Nowadays, alongside playing with Emil Viklický Trio, Infinite Q and Points and so on, Petr Dvorsky is a member of the Czech Radio Big Band as well. He is quite active in the jazz field of education – he has been the director in Summer Prague Jazz which was organized by the Czech Jazz Society two consecutive years.
Cyril Zelenak
Cyril was born in Slovakia in 1951, he has learnt from the legendary Slovakian drummer Laco Tropp. He served in various jazz and rock bands playing, such as Collegium Musicum, Prudy, to Emil Viklický core Czecho-Slovak Quartet (CSQ, 1980-86), Peter Lipa Quintet, Emil Viklický trio (1987-1991 and 2010-12). Cyril was also been a drummer in the well-known European big band Gustav Brom, this band consists of a large variety of solo musicians and it has been on toured in Europe. In 2011, Cyril was named the best soloist in Jazz Festival in 2011, Hong Kong.