瑞士 Switzerland / 马里 Mali
场地 Venue
华侨城创意文化园北区B10现场 B10 Live, North District of OCT-LOFT
演出者 Artists
Aly Keïta – 巴拉风(西非木琴) Balafon[1] / 卡林巴琴 Kalimba
Jan Galega Brönnimann – 单簧管 Clarinets / 高音萨克斯 Soprano Saxophone / 打击乐 Percussion
Lucas Niggli – 鼓 Drums / 打击乐 Percussion
Kalo-Yele,班巴拉语意为“月光”,是一支由Aly Keïta、Jan Galega Brönnimann和Lucas Niggli组成的三重奏的名字。去年1月在瑞士知名即兴音乐厂牌Intakt Records旗下发行了同名专辑的他们,以一种融合西方爵士乐、即兴音乐与非洲节奏的方式来演绎非洲传统乐曲,将旋律与节奏轻松驾驭于指掌之间,在爵士乐和世界音乐之间自如游走。
Aly Keïta将传统巴拉风改造为半音阶的版本,为这个音色清浊交融的乐器更添一份色彩;Niggli作为世界上最精准和最具创造力的鼓手与打击乐手之一,不断探索不同打击乐器声音的可能性,如鼓、钹和锣,并以其编织出复杂的音乐肌理与层次;Brönnimann则将单簧管的魅力发挥到极致,无论是灵动的节奏还是传统的旋律,都在他收放自如的演绎之下呈现出千万般变化。三人合力,造就了他们韵味无穷、独具一格的杰出作品。
生于音乐世家的Aly Keïta是西非木琴巴拉风演奏大师之一。他也自制巴拉风并经常演奏它们,以不断锤炼自己已经非常高超的技艺。非洲流行乐风格、放克感十足的节奏组,加之以复杂的爵士乐编曲,让他从大多数的巴拉风演奏家之中脱颖而出。凭借他精湛的琴技,巴拉风在他手中两支“魔杖”的无数次挥舞之下,流淌出波澜壮阔而迷人的非洲复调音乐。现居德国的他,因出众的乐器演奏才能而常有机会与爵士和世界音乐领域的各路顶尖高手合作,其中包括印度打击乐巨匠Trilok Gurtu、奥地利爵士键盘手Joe Zawinul、古巴爵士钢琴家Omar Sosa和挪威萨克斯演奏家Jan Garbarek等。
瑞士籍单簧管演奏家Jan Galega Brönnimann和鼓手Lucas Niggli都出生于西非的喀麦隆。自小就是好友的他们,将青春都倾注在对西非音乐的声音和节奏的探索之中。青少年时代,他们都在瑞士和法国加入了无数乐队。在那之后的三十年里,Lucas Niggli专注于自由爵士与作曲,而Jan Galega Brönnimann则涉足电子爵士和世界音乐领域。如今,Lucas Niggli作为一名鼓手兼即兴演奏家,参与多个项目与乐队,与包括The Velvet Underground前成员John Cale、日本实验音乐家生江森、美国大提琴家Tom Cora、英国爵士歌手及小号演奏家Phil Minton在内的许多出色的音乐家共同参与跨界项目。Jan Galega Brönnimann则与瑞士著名鼓手Pierre Favre、美国爵士钢琴家Kenny Werner和灵乐歌手Eddy Floyd进行过合作。
[1] 巴拉风:一种源自14世纪西非的木琴/体鸣乐器,通常有16到27个键,可以奏出旋律优美的曲调。
Kalo-Yele (“moonlight” in Bambara) is a trio consisting of Aly Keïta, Jan Galega Brönnimann and Lucas Niggli, also the name of their album which was released in the well-known Swiss improvised music label Intakt Records in January last year. They mix the traditional African repertoire with Western jazz, improvisation and African rhythms, each of them can handle the melody as well as the rhythm, or sail close to the jazz coasts as easily as near the banks of so called “world music”.
The musical results of the trio are consistently remarkable. Aly Keïta has transformed the traditional balafon, crafting a chromatic version of the hyper-resonant instrument. Niggli is one of the world’s most precise and creative drummer and percussionists, continuously explores a host of sounds from drums, cymbals and gongs while layering complex patterns. Emphasizing his clarinets, Brönnimann is as apt to play rhythmic patterns as traditional melodies. The parts all course together into a series of highly distinctive pieces, which gain layer upon layer of rhythm.
Aly Keïta is one of the grand masters of the balafon, the West African xylophone. Born in a musicians’s family, Aly Keïta makes his own balafons and plays them continually in order to excel alongside the very best. Keita’s Afro-pop, funk-fueled rhythm section and taste for complex jazz-oriented arrangements set him far apart from most balafonists. With his impressive virtuosity, Aly develops spectacular and enchanting African polyphonies on his instrument with one thousand and one waves of his (two) wands! Now living in Germany, his instrumental brilliance earned him opportunities to collaborate with jazz and world music legends such as Trilok Gurtu, Joe Zawinul, Omar Sosa, Jan Garbarek, among others.
The Swiss clarinetist Jan Galega Brönnimann and Swiss drummer Lucas Niggli were both born in Cameroon and became friends since they were one-year-old! So, they spent their youth to the sounds and rhythms of West African music. They later played together in numerous bands in Switzerland and France during their teenage years. In the 30 years since, Niggli has focused on free jazz and composition while Brönnimann has played electronic jazz and world music. Now, Lucas Niggli is a drummer and improviser and inlvoved in numerous projects and bands. He has taken part in several crossover projects with such musicians as John Cale, Ikue Mori, Tom Cora, Phil Minton and many others. While Jan Galega Brönnimann has collaborated with Pierre Favre, Kenny Werner, Eddy Floyd ect..
*This program is supported by Pro Helvetia Shanghai, Swiss Arts Council.
[1] Balafon: A kind of wooden xylophone or percussion idiophone that has been played in West Africa since the 14th century. It plays melodic tunes, and usually has between 16 and 27 keys.
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视频 Video
Kalo-Yele Live at K9
Kalo-Yele – Dondory